Our Little League Takes an Entire Team! Please Step Up to the Plate!
Here is a list of job descriptions for Board & Committee Members. Some additional detail is included in the Bylaws. If every family could contribute just a few more hours per season, our League could achieve even more. It's all about your child's baseball experience, so please step up. Besides, volunteering in NWLL is fun and rewarding!
2024 Volunteer Board Nomination
The Calgary North West Little League Baseball Association 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held on November 26, 2024. A review of the 2024 season, annual financial statements, and the election of the NWLL Board of Directors will occur at the AGM.
Casino Volunteering
The next Calgary North West Little League Baseball Association casino is Feb 22-223, 2025 at Ace Casino Airport.
NWLL Volunteer Points Policy
NWLL recognizes that without its many volunteers, the baseball league would not exist. The contributions of our volunteers are immeasurable. As a parent volunteer group, we have a profound effect on the experience of the young athletes in our organization. Due to the lack of volunteers in key and team positions, a volunteer policy has been implemented by the NWLL executive.
Volunteer Screening Policy
North West Little League accepts its responsibility to children, young adults, parents, and volunteers involved in its programs and is committed to ensuring all its participants' safety. This policy outlines the procedures for screening and evaluating volunteers within the league.
Executive Board Positions
President (Executive, 2 Year Term)
NWLL’s President is the Executive Chair and liaison between NWLL, District 3, Little League Alberta and Little League Canada. The President is also the point person for contact with the City of Calgary/Parks & Rec. Responsible for filing league charter, league insurance and annual Society Annual Return. The President must have good knowledge of Little League Canada rules. The President works closely with all Executive and Board members to ensure that NWLL objectives are met.
Vice President of Operations (Executive, 2 Year Term)
The VP of Operations assumes all responsibilities of the President in his or her absence or as delegated by the President. Also, the VP of Operations is responsible day to day off-field League Operations, including but not limited to the following:
- Annual renewal of facilities and permits with the City of Calgary;
- Coordination and execution of field maintenance projects;
- Book and manage Porta-Potties;
- Regular inspections and audits of all NWLL playfields and batting cage;
- Other duties as assigned by the Board.
Secretary (Executive, 2 Year Term)
The Secretary’s responsibilities include but are not limited to, the following:
- Attending meetings, (i.e., General Meetings and meetings of the Board and Executive) recording minutes of meeting and ensuring they are available to NWLL Members;
- Maintains NWLL By-laws and Policies and Procedures; and
- Other duties as assigned by the Board.
Treasurer (Executive, 2 Year Term)
The Treasurer‘s responsibilities include but are not limited to, the following:
- Account, monitor and represent all financial transactions of NWLL;
- Preparing Annual Financial reports for submission to the membership, Calgary Sports/Parks and Recreation, Associations Annual Return and Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission; and
- Other duties as assigned by the Board.
Umpire In Chief (UIC) (Executive, 1 Year Term)
The Umpire in Chief responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
- Manage the recruitment of umpires and ensure clinic enrollment.
- Distribute rule books, uniforms and equipment.
- Handle disciplinary action. Work closely with Umpire scheduler.
Director at Large - Player Agent (Executive, 1 Year Term)
The Player Agent responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
- Direct coaches during the NWLL team player draft;
- Ensure fairness and coordinate player trades at the player draft;
- Communicate with and liaise as required with other Board Members;
- Other duties as assigned by the Board
Director at Large (Executive, 1 Year Term, Multiple Positions)
There are three Director at Large positions available each baseball year beyond the Player Agent Director at Large. The Director at Large roles changes from year to year, depending on the needs of the league. Examples of what responsibilities the three Director at Large positions have held include but are not limited to the following:
Special Projects
- Managing inventory and distribution of team uniforms;
- Overseeing photo day, including booking photographer, scheduling teams;
- NWLL Apparel sales
- Other duties as assigned by the Board;
Other Responsibilities
- Special projects/events for any given season;
- Manage police checks for coaches, assistant coaches;
- Oversee coaching coordinators;
- Leading technology implementations;
- Advertising (e.g., banners and BOLD signs)
- Other duties as assigned by the Board;
Ex-Officio Board Positions
The Registrar responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
- Records all player transactions and maintains a database for access by the Executive;
- Prepares data on player eligibility and team rosters for sign off to LLCanada and District #3;
- Plans then help coordinate and facilitate annual player registration and team drafts;
- Other duties as assigned by the board.
Website Coordinator
The Website Coordinator responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
- Maintain website;
- Send out communications to members;
- Work with VP Operations to create/load schedules;
- Other duties as assigned by the board.
- Must be comfortable with website management, including WordPress, online platforms, G-suite.
Other League Volunteers
Assist the VP Operations, Director of Special Projects and other board members
Volunteer Coordinator
Hours of commitment: 10-15 hours throughout the season. Liaise with the NWLL board to help manage and coordinate volunteers for the league. This may include preparing volunteer lists for key volunteers, liaising with Team Managers the assist start up at the beginning of the season, other volunteer recruitment for special events. Some knowledge of the online platform Sign-Up Genius would be helpful.
Equipment Coordinator
Hours of commitment, 8-10 hrs. pre-season; 8-10 hrs. during/postseason. Manage and organize NWLL equipment, including diamond boxes. Purchase new equipment and receive requests from team managers/coaches.
Picture Day Coordinator
Hours of commitment: 8-10 hours during the season. Oversee the photo day volunteers, communicate with coaches/team managers to distribute the photos, and assist in creating the photo day schedule (and communication of schedule).
Casino Coordinator
Hours of commitment, 10-15 hours pre-casino; 5 hours during/post Casino. Communicates with AGLC and casino facilities. A signing officer for the Casino account. Schedules the volunteers into their time slots.
Jersey and Uniform Coordinators
Hours of commitment: 8-10 hours during the season (each role). Jersey coordinator manages and coordinates the NWLL jersery inventory including prepping jerseys for teams, managing exchanges, collection and inventory at the end of the year. Uniform coordinator manages and coordinates the NWLL uniform inventory (pants, shirts, hats, socks) including prepping uniforms for teams, managing exchanges, inventory at the end of the year.
Social Media Coordinator
Hours of commitment: 10-12 hours throughout the season. Manage NWLL social media platforms (Facebook) and help launch new platforms (Instagram, others).
T-Ball/Coach Pitch Coordinators (2-3)
In conjunction with Hawkwood Soccer, organize the year-end wind-up event for T-Ball/Coach Pitch. Organizing includes planning activities, setting up schedule for mini-games, scheduling event volunteers.
Game Coordinator (1 per game)
This position applies to these divisions: Minors, Majors, Intermediate, Junior, Senior.
- Only required when there’s no adult umpire
- Cannot be a member of the coaching/management staff
- Shall be present at the plate meeting
- Shall remain close to the backstop through the entire game
- Has no authority officiating the game
- Provides support when asked by an umpire in the event of unruly coaches or spectators
- Should not allow inappropriate comments to be directed at an umpire
If no adult umpire is available for a game, and non-adult umpires are used exclusively for that game, the local Little League must assign an adult as Game Coordinator, or the game cannot be played. The Game Coordinator must not be a manager or coach of either team in the game, and cannot be assigned as Game Coordinator for more than one game at a time. The Game Coordinator’s duties shall be:
(1) - To be included in the pregame meeting as noted in Rule 4.01;
(2) - To remain at the game at all times, including between half-innings, in a position to see all actions on the field and in close proximity to the field (not in any enclosure). If, for some reason, the Game Coordinator is not present or is unable to perform his/her duties for any reason, the game must be suspended until the Game Coordinator returns, or until a new adult Game Coordinator is present and assumes the duties of Game Coordinator for the remainder of the game;
(3) - To oversee the conduct of all players, managers, coaches, and umpires in the game;
(4) - To have the authority to disqualify any player, coach, manager, or substitute for objecting to the decisions of an umpire, for unsportsmanlike conduct or language, or for any of the reasons enumerated in these Playing Rules, and to eject such disqualified person from the playing field. If the Game Coordinator disqualifies a player while a play is in progress, the disqualification shall not take effect until no further action is possible in that play;
(5) - To have the sole ability to judge as to whether and when play shall be suspended during a game because of inclement weather conditions or the unfit condition of the playing field; as to whether and when play shall be resumed after such suspension; and as to whether and when a game shall be terminated after such suspension. Said Game Coordinator shall not call the game until at least thirty minutes after play as suspended. The Game Coordinator may continue suspension as long as there is any chance to resume play. (This supersedes Rule 3.10.)
A.R. – The Game Coordinator should not interrupt or stop a game until all play and action ends. At that time, the Game Coordinator can alert the plate umpire to stop the game, and at that time enforce any part of 9.03(d).