Volunteer Points Policy
Last updated: January 2024
NWLL recognizes that without its many volunteers, our baseball league would not exist. The contributions of our volunteers are immeasurable. As a parent volunteer group, we have a profound effect on the young athletes' experience in our organization. Due to the lack of volunteers in key and team positions, a volunteer policy has been implemented by the NWLL executive.
NWLL is no longer collecting deposit cheques. If a family does not obtain a minimum 300 points per registered player towards volunteer work authorized by NWLL, a volunteer fee of $250 will be invoiced to the family on July 1 of each season. Failure to pay the volunteer fee invoice will prevent future registration of the player with NWLL. If you cannot volunteer in any capacity, you can pay a volunteer opt-out fee of $250 at the time of registration.
Team coaches will select a team Off Field Manager whose responsibility will be to track volunteer hours and schedule volunteers at the team level. The Manager will inform the board of parents not meeting the volunteer requirements. The Board of Directors will make the final decision on whether the volunteer fee will be assessed.
Families must complete volunteer points that arise from both the team level and the league level. For example, you cannot achieve all of your points only by performing one job at either the team level (e.g., score-keeping) or the league level (e.g., volunteering at evaluations). Board positions, Head Coach, and Team Manager are considered to satisfy all volunteer requirements.
NWLL Executive positions are voted on at the league's AGM. Persons interested in Executive positions should spend at least one year shadowing the position they are interested in and be prepared to commit a minimum of one 2-year term to the Board.
Below is a chart listing volunteer requirements, volunteer positions, points earned for each volunteer position and credits toward player fees for volunteers.
Each registered baseball player requires a minimum of 300 volunteer points per season on their behalf.
In February 2023, the board implemented a new points system for families with multiple children in the league. NWLL recognizes that families with multiple children sometime struggle to achieve 300 points per player. As such, the NWLL board of directors will recognize the following sliding scale of points: 1st child: 300 points, 2nd child: 200 points, 3rd child and subsequent child: 100 points. This applies to each season that a family may have multiple children playing with NWLL.
Points Earned - Executive Board
President (2 year term) | 300 | per season |
VP Operations (2 year term) | 300 | per season |
Treasurer (2 year term) | 300 | per season |
Secretary (2 year term) | 300 | per season |
Umpire in Chief (1 year term) | 300 | per season |
Director at Large, Special Projects (1 year term) | 300 | per season |
Director at Large, Player Agent (1 year term) | 300 | per season |
Director at Large (1 year term) | 300 | per season |
Points Earned - Volunteer Positions
Registrar (ex-officio board member) | 300 | per season |
Webmaster (ex-officio board member) | 300 | per season |
Head Coach | 300 | per season |
Assistant Coach | 50 | per game/practice |
Team Manager | 300 | per season |
Casino Coordinator | 300 | per season (only in casino year) |
Casino volunteer | 200 (8 hour shift) or 100 (4 hour shift) | per season |
Other Coordinator (e.g., equipment, photo, jersey, etc) | 200 | per season |
Score keeper/pitch counter | 50 | per game |
Game day diamond prep/clean-up | 25 | per game |
Event volunteer (e.g, photo day, evaluations, equipment, other events) | 25 | per hour |
Team Snack | 25 | per game (T-Ball/Coach Pitch) |
Points and credits are non-transferable between families and apply to the current season. No carrying forward points.